
I met the owner/designer while on vacation in the Caribbean last year. She gave me her business card that had her website. After viewing her website, I was very impressed with all the items she has made. I purchased a Totebag and love it. It is a one of a kind design as all her items are and have received compliments and people asking where I purchased it so I gave them the details. I am now looking for a gift for a friend.
J. Stone
Halifax N.SI received a beautiful Crossbody bag for my birthday a few months ago, inside was a business card from Trunk Up Creative Designs. I am so thankful for the gift I received. The owner/designer puts a lot of work, creativity and care into her products. I will be purchasing other items.
L. Miller
Toronto Ont.I found Trunk Up Creative Designs through a friend who had purchased a Handbag. She had asked the Owner/Designer if she could make something similar to a Handbag on the website but in different colors which turned out to be beautiful. I contacted Trunk Up Creative Designs and just received my beautiful One of a Kind Handbag.